Saturday, August 10, 2013

Bins to Hold Copies

Welcome fellow nerdy teachers and lovers of zombies!

So I've been hard at work at getting my classroom ready. Yeah! Though I am nowhere near ready to show you my completed classroom. *Insert horrifying mental picture of the messiest classroom ever!

I have been hard at work creating and working on a whole mess of things for my classroom.

Including my new and improved system for organizing my copies. Yummy!

I know your freaking out. It's pretty stinking cute!

Here's the story behind it. Basically, last year I had a set of plastic drawers with each subject getting its own drawer. Now this sounds great in theory and it did work okay. However, it just ended up being a mess. And there was a lot of waste from papers not being used. Which I hate because we teachers destroy whole forests daily. It's part of the job description. Right under "doesn't want to kill children on sight" and "won't freak out when handed a used bloody tissue." So you can understand how upset this waste made me.

So this summer I've been trolling pinterest and blogs and found this idea. Basically each magazine holder has the different days of the week and you just paperclip and place your copies in for that day. (Makes it MUCH easier for Madame Substitute) With two extras bins at the end. You know for when you get stuff done super early (or you don't get to something and don't have the heart to put it away.)

I downloaded the cute labels for FREE (what? who got cute free stuff! This gal!) from LessonPlanSOS which happens to be my favorite blog and TPT store. Here is the link.

All I did was print them, cut them out and laminate. Then hot glued them onto magazine holder bins that I purchased from Target (months ago) from their dollar bins. Is there a happier picture then a teacher frolicking through the dollar bins at Target? Nope, can't imagine one.

I'm hoping that this keeps me more organized. I have to say just looking at how cute this is makes me super happy. I can't help but fantasize about all of the wonderful activities just waiting to fill these magazine holders. *sigh

Nerd on fellow teaching nerds! Nerd on!